Dear Friend,
Every two years, Slow Food and communities from around world come together for Terra Madre & Salone del Gusto to share innovative solutions and time-honored traditions for feeding the planet in a good, clean and fair-way. Delegates from over 130 countries are selected by Slow Food associations to represent the important work being done in various regions of the world.
This year, Slow Food USA has invited Vicki Gilbert/Pizzeria Mimosa to be a U.S. delegate for this landmark food and farming conference, running October 25-29 in Turin Italy.
Being selected for this historic event is a special honor. Vicki is one of 200 to be selected as a delegate out of pool of 600 applications. Not only does this mean that Slow Food leaders admire the incredible work that Vicki is doing, it also means that we believe Vicki is an important voice in representing the diverse U.S. food movement to the international community.
Terra Madre and Salone del Gusto is a powerful and transformative experience . Delegates leave inspired to change the food system through a global consciousness and deeper respect for the diverse, international food movement.
The theme of this year's event is Feeding the Planet, because we believe everyone on earth has the right to access good, clean, and fair food. The conference will give Vicki a unique opportunity to help build relationships and solidarity between the global South and global North, as well as among diverse communities within the U.S.
Please congratulate Vicki in joining the most diverse U.S. delegation yet to attend Terra Madre and Salone del Gusto.
Thank you,
Hnin W. Hnin
Coordinator, U.S. Delegation to Terra Madre and Salone del Gusto
Slow Food, USA
68 Summit St. #2B
Brooklyn, NY 11231
PS For more information, visit www.SlowFoodUSA.org/terramadre